About me

I am the group leader of the Computational Cancer Genomics (CCG) lab at the UCL Cancer Institute (London, UK). In September 2020, I have completed in less than 4 years my training as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Computer Science department of Princeton University (NJ, USA), where I was part of the Prof. Ben Raphael’s group since November 2015.

My research is in the field of computational biology and concerns the design and development of algorithms and mathematical models to address biological questions that arise from the analysis of sequencing data, including multi-region/site, liquid biopsies, and single-cell sequencing. One of the goals of my research is to show that rigorous mathematical formulations and formal computational metholodies are crucial to obtain meaningful and impactful results.

My background is in Computer Science and my education included the study of combinatorial optimization, computational complexity, and the design of exact and parameterized algorithms, approximations, and heuristics. I received the title of PhD in Computer Science from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Paola Bonizzoni, after being a Visiting Graduate student at Brown University (RI, USA) in 2016 with Prof. Ben Raphael.